07/26/15 The Wonder of It All

READING: Isaiah 40-43

TEXTS AND APPLICATION: Sometimes you read the Word, and the truths just come to life. They stop us in our tracks and re-direct us to the eternal. Today is one of those days for me.  

These readings begin the second part of Isaiah, a section that emphasizes the prophesied restoration of Israel after God would allow them to be judged through exile. Let the Word sink in for a few minutes.

1. Nobody is like the God of the Bible.  

Isa. 40:12-13  Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand or marked off the heavens with the span of his hand? Who has gathered the dust of the earth in a measure or weighed the mountains in a balance and the hills in the scales? Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord, or who gave Him His counsel?

Isa. 40:18, 25  Who will you compare God with? What likeness will you compare Him to? . . . “Who will you compare Me to, or who is My equal?” asks the Holy One.

Isa. 43:10b-11  No god was formed before Me, and there will be none after Me. I, I am Yahweh, and there is no other Savior but Me.
2. He who is mightier than all is still a personal God. 
Isa. 40:11  He protects His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them in the fold of His garment. He gently leads those that are nursing.
Isa. 41:10  Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand.
Isa. 43:4  Because you are precious in My sight and honored, and I love you, I will give people in exchange for you and nations instead of your life.
3. He who is perfectly holy graciously forgives us. 
Isa. 40:2a  “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and announce to her that her time of forced labor is over, her iniquity has been pardoned . . . “
Isa. 43:25  “It is I who sweep away your transgressions for My own sake and remember your sins no more.”
The whole story is amazing. The One who named all the stars (Isa. 40:26) calls us to Himself, saves us, holds our hand, and strengthens us. We have no reason to fear nor worry. It is too wonderful to consider. 

PRAYER: Consider His greatness today. Meditate on Him. Then, praise Him throughout the day. 





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