Saturday Suggestions: January 9, 2016

Here are some suggested readings for you as you have your coffee today:

4 Things Every Great Leader Needs by Art Rainer

Recognizing that all leaders are different, Art helps us see four common things that all great leaders need. Read them, as all of us can get these things. 


Lessons for Developing Spiritual Warriors by Larry Purcell

Larry Purcell is a veteran of both the Marines and Army, a local church pastor, and a seminary professor. Using research from Harvard Press, he summarizes some important lessons.


The School of Hard Knocks by Tom Elliff

Few people tell a story and summarize the Scripture like Tom Elliff. In a concise and simple post, Tom gives us some thoughts about how to respond when life knocks us around a bit.


Remembering This Can Keep You from Sinning by Garrett Kell

This post will take you less than a minute to read, but you’ll think about it all day long, I hope.


Seven Warning Signs of a Fall by Chuck Lawless

I include this suggestion because I’ve learned again of another brother who has fallen. Maybe a quick re-read will help you avoid the same path. 

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