05/10/16 Greater Than All Other Gods

READING: 2 Chronicles 1-5

Two weekends ago, I stood at the top of a mountain in North Carolina and surveyed the wonder that God has made. Trees stretched seemingly to the sky.  Green covered the earth for miles. As my buddy and I walked down the mountain, I was halted by the occasional wildflowers as their colors stood out against the green hillside. 

Two days ago, I sat on an airplane riding through a small storm, and I was amazed by the cloud formations as we flew through them. To think that these clouds were just a few compared to those that covered parts of the earth that day is beyond my comprehension. 

Now, as I write this devotion, I am looking out over a major American city from the thirtieth floor of a hotel. I can see for miles. The buildings are fascinating. The heights differ; the shapes vary. At night, their lights shine brightly against the dark sky. Human beings have an astounding capacity to design, create, build, and maintain a city. It’s all amazing — but not nearly as amazing as what God has created. Nothing we can build compares to the God of the heavens.  

Solomon knew that truth, too. He was planning to build God a temple, but he knew that no building could contain this God. “The temple I am going to build will be great, because our God is greater than all other gods. But who is able to build a temple for him, since the heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain him? Who then am I to build a temple for him, except as a place to burn sacrifices before him?” (2 Chron 2:5-6)

Our God is not only greater than all other gods; He is the only God. He spoke, and the world came into existence. It’s no wonder that no human structure can hold him — the One who creates it all is necessarily greater than anything created. Even the heavens cannot contain Him.

And yet, He lives within me.  That’s amazing, too. 


  • Enjoy nature today. See the majesty of God in all that He created. 
  • Try to meditate on God’s bigness today — recognizing that all of our “trying” cannot capture who He is. 
  • Be amazed that He lives within you if you are His follower.  

PRAYER: “God, You are the only God. You are worthy of my praise.”  

TOMORROW’S READING:  2 Chronicles 6-8


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