06/29/16 An Undivided Heart

READING: Psalms 86-89

It’s just one verse in today’s reading, but it’s packed with words that challenge me: “Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name” (Psalm 86:11). The psalmist writes words that reflect several simple realities I need to remember today. 

First, if I serve God well today, it will be only because He grants me power to do so. If I rely on Him and treat Him with fear and respect, I will do so because He has taught me and moved in my heart. Nothing I do on my own can move my heart in the right direction.  

Second, I need Him to teach me. I may read His Word, study it, memorize it, even — but I can do all that without seeking the face of the One who speaks to my heart. I desperately need to learn at the feet of the Master. 

Third, only in God’s grace can I have an undivided heart. In fact, my heart moves in multiple directions. Toward God while also being pulled toward disobedience. Wanting to be humble, but wanting to be recognized for my humility. Moving into a posture of prayer, but then fighting distractions during prayer. Seeking to trust God, but making my own plans. Loving God, yet still loving sin. 

My heart can be so easily divided that I’m amazed that God puts up with me at all. I’m even more amazed that He’s willing to give me an undivided heart. He’s marvelous and incomprehensible — so much so that I must respect His name with a sense of holy wonder.   

Any commitment I have to Him is because of Him. For that, I can only echo the psalmist’s words: “I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart” (Psalm 86:12). 

With all my undivided heart, in fact. 


  • Take some time to list some ways your heart can be divided. Confess that division to God.       
  • Praise Him today with all your heart.    

PRAYER: “Lord, I simply pray the words of the psalmist today: ‘Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.’”







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