10/28/16 Instantaneously

READING: Luke 12-13

For eighteen years, she had been crippled. Bent over, in fact. We can only imagine what her life was like for almost two decades. Perhaps she could not lift her arms above her head. Her neck was likely in a constant state of pain, her having to look up to see anyone. Luke gives us enough detail to know that this woman’s condition was long-term and debilitating. Eighteen years crippled under the influence of an evil spirit had surely drained her of hope. 

Jesus saw her in the synagogue, perhaps as she came there to seek alms. Or, just maybe she came to the synagogue because somebody told her that Jesus was there — and He had the reputation of being a healer. Either way, everything would change when Jesus came to the synagogue. Seeing the woman, he laid His hands on her and called out, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity” (Luke 13:12). She had been ill for eighteen long years, but her healing was instantaneous and immediate. Not surprisingly, “she straightened up and praised God” (Luke 13:13). A long-term disease caused by a demon was no match for the Son of God. 

That’s just the way Jesus works sometimes. He speaks, and demons flee. At His word, waves and wind cease. He gives immediate life to the rebel in response to a prayer of repentance and trust. His freeing power breaks the long-term bondage and addiction of sin — sometimes so quickly that the world stands amazed. On the other hand, we foolishly carry our burdens far too long when the Redeemer can change our heart, heal our wounds, and restore our hope in a moment’s time.  

He can change us in an instant.   


  • Whatever burden you carry today, give it to Jesus through prayer. Trust Him to change you and free you.                
  • Tell somebody about what Jesus means in your life. Direct that person to Him.           

PRAYER: God, I praise You for being a healer — the One who frees us from bondage. Thank You.” 







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