03/21/17 Another Heap of Stones

READING: Joshua 7-9, Luke 1:21-38

“They raised over him a great heap of stones that stands to this day.”

Joshua 7:26

We’ve read about heaps of stones before in the book of Joshua. In fact, yesterday’s reading taught us about the Hebrews setting up twelve stones to commemorate the crossing of the Jordan River. Through that marker, future generations would learn of God’s blessings as He led His people across the river; thus, the marker commemorated a positive experience in Israelite history.

Not so for the stones in today’s reading. In this case, the stones marked the disobedience of Achan, who had kept for himself some of the spoils of war when the Hebrews defeated Jericho. God had warned the people not to take the spoils (Josh. 6:18), but Achan did anyway. Following the pattern of Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:15), Achan saw a beautiful “mantle from Shinar” (Josh. 7:29), coveted it, took it, and then hid it. He apparently thought he could get away with an action God had forbidden, but that was not the case. Not only would he be found out, but he and his family would also be stoned and burned as a result. That judgment was severe, but God intended His people to know that He genuinely expected them to be holy in the Promised Land. 

On top of the burned bodies of Achan and his family was placed “a great heap of stones” (Josh. 7:6). Those stones marked a most negative experience in Israelite history. On one hand, the previous stones related to the Jordan River reflected God’s blessing when His people were obedient; the stones related to Achan reflected God’s wrath when people were disobedient. The latter stones would remind generations of the consequences of rebellion.

I fear I need not look far today to find the heaps of lives ruined by hidden sin like Achan’s was. Broken marriages. Scarred children. Wounded churches. Lost jobs. Destroyed ministries. The list could go on and on. Whenever we choose to reject God’s law, we will indeed reap what we sow (Gal. 6:7-8) – and the pains that remain become a warning sign to the rest of us.  


  • Think about negative markers in your spiritual life – those consequences of sin and rebellion. Be reminded of the grief sin brings.
  • Pray that you will finish the race well, whenever the finish line may be.

PRAYER: "Father, guard me from actions that will make my fallen life become a warning marker to others.”

TOMORROW’S READING: Joshua 10-12, Luke 1:39-56

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