10/07/17 Imitate Me

READING: Isaiah 28-29, Philippians 3

“Brothers, join in imitating me.”

Philippians 3:17

My mind turns today to believers who have modeled godliness for me. I can name so many, in fact. John, a quiet servant of the Lord. Donna, an older believer who modeled faithfulness for her unbelieving family. Brother Jack, one of my pastoral heroes who lived to honor Him. Mrs. Morgan, who faithfully served her bedridden husband as her service to the Lord. Tim, a professor colleague who models evangelism and humility. Steve, a state trooper who shines God’s light in a dark world. Jeannie, a mother and grandmother par excellence who prayed like few people I know. If I could model only a portion of these lives, I would be a godlier follower of Jesus.

In today’s reading, we hear again Paul’s call for the believers to imitate him (Phil. 3:17). He had called them to imitate Christ (Phil. 2:5-11), and now he called them to imitate him – thus tying together his life with Christ. Paul knew that he had not arrived yet, but still he also knew he could be a strong witness for Christ because He lived for Him. Moreover (and lest he be accused of arrogance), Paul told them to watch for others who, too, were walking with God: “and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us” (Phil. 3:17).  More than one person among them modeled Christ, and the Philippians had the privilege of learning obedience from them. That’s the same kind of gift God has given us – faithful Christ followers whose obedience is an example for us.

I’m left today with these questions: am I so walking with God that I would want others to model their life after me? If not, where do I need to repent?  We are God’s plan to show the gospel through our lives even as we proclaim it with our lips, and obedience is not optional for us. We are to imitate Christ and thus challenge others to imitate us.


  • Answer for yourself the questions raised in the final paragraph of this devotion.
  • Imitate Christ in all you do today.

PRAYER: “Lord, help me to imitate You.” 

TOMORROW’S READING:  Isaiah 30-31, Philippians 4

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