04/06/18 Knit Together

READING: 1 Samuel 17-20, Psalm 59

“Jonathan was bound to David in close friendship.”

1 Samuel 18:1

It is difficult, if not impossible, to explain the depth of relationships God gives His people. Ideally, we are raised in Christian homes, come to know Christ personally, and our parents and siblings become brothers and sisters in Christ as well. That way, our earthly family becomes our eternal family, too—and that’s as sweet as it gets.

At the same time, though, God gives us others whose friendships with us are divinely orchestrated and blessed. David and Jonathan experienced such a friendship. While the relationship may well have had a political component to it—and nothing about it suggests a homosexual attraction—the text is clear that their connection was deep:

  • “Jonathan was bound to David in close friendship, and loved him as much as he loved himself” (1 Sam. 18:1, CSB)
  • “The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul” (1 Sam. 18:1, ESV)

More literally, their souls were “chained together,” and Jonathan honored David by giving him his armor and his clothing—likely signifying his recognition that David would be the next in line to the throne. They were committed to God first and then to each other, as evidenced in the covenant they established together. The two became brothers in a way that went far beyond natural brothers who shared a family of origin.

Today, I’m grateful for these kinds of brothers in my life. My natural brother, Allen, is also my Christian brother, and God has also given me other brothers for whom I would give my life. Only He knits souls together that way. 


  • If you don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus, follow Him by confessing your sin to Him, turning from it, and trusting Him with your life. Follow Him first, and then love others.
  • Thank God for the unique brothers and sisters He gives you. 

PRAYER: “God, I thank You for the people You put in my life. They are unique gifts of love.”   

TOMORROW’S READING:  1 Samuel 21-24, Psalm 91​ 

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