8 Divine Intersections We Must Not Take for Granted

I often speak ofdivine intersections,” which I define as “relationships we can describe only as God-given.” Sometimes the way they happen is so unique that it’s almost impossible not to see God in the process. In other situations, God just gives us a supernatural love and respect for one another that only He can create. In all cases, we need to thank God regularly for these intersections: 

  1. Gospel witness and lost person. Many of us who are believers can talk about a particular person who intentionally shared the gospel with us. That relationship didn’t happen by accident—God orchestrated it.  

  1. Husband and wife. I know of no other way to describe what God did to connect Pam and me. He worked through two church secretaries to bring us together, and then He knit our hearts as one.  

  1. Pastor and church. When this relationship is right, there’s nothing quite like it. The church adores their pastor as their spiritual shepherd, and the pastor is willing to give his life for the congregation. The bond is beyond human comprehension.  

  1. People group and missionary. I’ve known missionaries whose hearts were broken over a people group before they’d ever met them. Somehow, God just gave them a supernatural love that compelled them to leave America to reach that people.   

  1. Parent and adopted child. Again, it’s amazing how it happens. Parents fall in love with children they’ve sometimes not met, and they sacrifice much to make them part of their family.   

  1. Mentor and mentee. When God connects hearts across generations, that relationship remains across the years and over the miles. It changes, but the mentor and mentee can usually pick up right where they left off after years of separate directions.  

  1. Professor and student. I’ve heard my friend Robert Coleman (author of The Master Plan of Evangelism) talk about the young men he invested in decades ago. They’re serving the Lord all over the world, but they and Dr. Coleman still have deep, mutual respect for each other that God gave them years before.  

  1. Brothers and sisters in Christ. We call ourselves by these titles, but they often say more than that. In some cases, God has crossed our paths with friends who do become closer to us than our families of origin. The intersection truly changes our lives.   

Here’s my point: be grateful for divine intersections today—and send someone a note of gratitude. You will make somebody’s day. 

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