09/01/18 Idols in the Heart

READING: Ezekiel 13-16

“. . . these men have set up idols in their hearts.”

Ezekiel 14:3

I can read a book, but God can read my heart. That’s a truth worth remembering. 

Some of the Judean elders in exile in Ezekiel’s day (apparently some who were considered responsible leaders) came to the prophet for some kind of instruction. They sat in front of him, perhaps waiting for some word from the Lord via the prophet. It was Ezekiel, though, who received the word from God: “Son of man, these men have set up idols in their hearts and have put their sinful stumbling blocks in front of themselves. Should I actually let them inquire of me?” (Ezek. 14:3). 

On the outside, the elders waited, listening, seeking. On the inside, however, was a different situation. They had idols in their hearts, and God knew that. In fact, three times He made specific mention of this idolatry (Ezek. 14:3, 4, 7). Their idolatry may not have been public obeisance to hand-made false gods, but their idolatry was no less real. Their hearts were turned to idols of the mind – and away from the God from whom they claimed to want instruction. With such idols in their heart, God’s word to them was necessarily a call to repent.  

God read their heart. He reads mine, too. That truth challenges me today. 


  • Remember that God knows your heart. Guard it today.
  • Turn from the idols of your heart. 

PRAYER: “God, show me my own heart today—and forgive me.”  

TOMORROW’S READING: Review and make-up day 

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