Our Moment-by-Moment Choice: The Agony of Disobedience vs. the Joy of Obedience

It’s really this simple, for every one of us.

Temptation hits. The enemy wants to entice us across the sin line. The “fun” of sin powerfully pulls us. We have to make a choice – and too often, we choose based on the temporary lure, but without regard for the consequences. I hardly always make the right choice, but here’s how I think about the options:

Agony: What Disobedience Brings

  1. Heart pain. I can’t explain it in any other way. It’s anguish.
  2. Deep, ongoing regret. You trust God’s forgiveness, but you still hurt. You can’t help but wonder, “Why did I make that choice? I know better.”
  3. Painful sleeplessness. It’s hard to rest well when you’ve disappointed your Creator and Redeemer.
  4. Internal shame. Others may not know your choices, but you do – and it’s hard to look others in the eye.
  5. Faith struggles. Sometimes we even wonder about our salvation. Sin simply robs us of confidence and peace.

Joy: What Obedience Brings

  1. Overwhelming excitement. You know what I’m talking about if you know the heart fun that occurs when you reject the enemy’s temptations. Obedience makes your heart leap.
  2. Deep gratitude. You know you couldn’t have made the right choice without the power of the Spirit residing in you. It’s just great to realize all that God has given you to live in victory.
  3. Sweet sleep. I’m not sure I can come up with words that adequately describe what it’s like to rest fully in Jesus – regretting nothing from the day and looking forward to tomorrow.
  4. Powerful witness. When we have nothing to hide, we’re most ready and willing to talk about Jesus. The joy of obedience compels us to talk about grace and love.
  5. Holy Spirit confidence. When you know that nothing’s in the way of your walk with God, prayer is different. You just know that God’s listening, and you look forward to your time with Him.

So, every one of us will make choices today. My prayer is that we – beginning with me – will today run to God, resist the devil, choose rightly, and know the joy that obedience brings. 

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