8 Dangers in NOT Studying Theology  

Yesterday, I posted about dangers of studying theology, and I prefaced that post with these words: “There are also grave dangers in not studying theology.” I realize that even believers who don’t study theology still have their own belief system, and I know that how and where we study theology varies widely. Nevertheless, I am concerned when we choose not to tackle the tasks of theology. So, in response to a request from one of yesterday’s readers, here are some of those dangers that come to mind:

  1. Simply accepting false teaching. Frankly, Christian teachings are often difficult to wrestle with emotionally (e.g., the lostness of human beings and the reality of hell). If you don’t worry about studying theology, it’s easy to determine truth on a wrong basis.
  2. Assuming that your private interpretation of the scriptures is the right one. If few other people (or any other people) have ever reached your doctrinal conclusion, it’s probably good to reconsider your position. Study will help you walk through this process.
  3. Becoming spiritually arrogant about your lack of need for study. I’ve not known many, but I have known some church leaders who viewed their lack of study as a sign of their super-spiritual knowledge of the Holy Spirit’s leading. In fact, they look down on anyone who feels a need to study much at all.
  4. Being ill-prepared for dealing with tough issues. Consider the reality of evil, for example, when even believers must struggle with heartache. It’s hard to discuss these issues well without spending some time theologizing.
  5. Making theological errors that others have made before. Believers through the ages have faced, confronted, and addressed theological problems. Knowledge of these issues from the past can help you avoid them again.
  6. Allowing false teaching to infiltrate your church. The enemy we face is a sly one; he snakes his way into the church through teachers who appear to be “servants of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:15). It’s tough to counter those teachers if you don’t recognize their lies.
  7. Being ill-prepared to defend your faith. It’s obviously important to know what we believe, but it’s also important to know why we believe what we believe. Non-believers seldom accept our beliefs simply because we claim they’re right.
  8. Minimizing sin in your life. To be honest, some church members would like to be able to deny the seriousness of their sin and grant themselves permission to live as they wish. Strong theology, though, is one reason they won’t go there.

What other dangers would you add?


  • Victor says:

    I’ve never considered myself to be a theologian although I have studied the Bible for over 40 years. As to other reasons to study Gods’ word, we are commanded and told that it is medicine to all our flesh. It is the very foundation on which our house is founded and it will sustain us and keep our house from falling when the storms of life come against us. I could fill all the books in The world and still have need for more space to list all the reasons.
    Let us all study to show ourselves approved and not be ashamed.
    Bless God

  • Kenny Roberts says:

    If you have studied the Bible Then you know that Jesus sent His mother to live with Judas. The author (s) of John clearly tells us that the unknown disciple is Judas. I can point it out if you like. Text 918 740 9796 or Email me at kennysviews@mail.com

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