Saturday Suggestions/Week in Review

Check out these important posts from others: 

Prayer Walking: A Way to Pray Specifically for Our Neighborhoods by Shelley Stott
Prayer walking provides a unique opportunity to interact with the people and places we pray for. Shelley Stott gives us five reminders before we begin a prayer walk.

A Faithful Pastor to Pastors by Jeff Robinson
Like all Christians, church leaders need someone to walk alongside and shepherd them. Jeff Robinson lists ten reasons pastors need pastors.

4 Ways Writing Helps Me as a Pastor by Kelly Brady
Writing can be a valuable discipline for leaders. Kelly Brady shares four ways writing has strengthened his ministry.

Suggestions for Redeeming Your Church’s Prayer Meeting by Landon Byrd
Prayer meetings offer a unique opportunity for your church to unite in prayer. Landon Byrd shares five ways to strengthen this weekly gathering.

In case you missed this week’s posts at, here’s the week in review:

  1. 8 Reasons It’s Tough to Find a Worship Leader
  2. A New Normal: A Church Revitalization Resource
  3. 9 Reasons Some Church Members are Mean
  4. 7 Reasons Some Young Pastors are returning to Established Churches
  5. 8 Reasons Small Groups Become Inwardly Focused

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