04/02/19 The Lord’s Presence

READING: Joshua 1-4; Luke 5:27-6:11

The days must have been both exciting and challenging ones for Joshua. Moses was dead, and it was Joshua’s turn to lead God’s people. It was his task now to lead them into the Promised Land—a land about which he had learned decades before. Then, he had pleaded with the people to trust God and take the land; that generation did not, but now Joshua was leading another generation into the land.

The enemies still awaited there, but Joshua had these promises in his head:

  • “I will be with you, just as I was with Moses. I will not leave you or abandon you.” (Josh 1:5)
  • “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lordyour God is with you wherever you go.”(Josh 1:9)
  • “Certainly the Lord your God will be with you, as he was with Moses.” (Josh 1:17

God Himself gave the promise of His presence, and the people later confirmed it. It was in God’s power that Joshua could be “strong and courageous” (Josh 1:6, 7, 9, 18), no matter what enemies he and the Hebrew people would face. And, God would indeed lead His people miraculously across the Jordan River, just as He had done at the Red Sea for another generation.  

Today, we know that God is with us, too. In fact, He lives in us through His Holy Spirit. With that simple but profound truth in mind, we should allow nothing to keep us from serving God fully. Nothing should frighten or discourage us when the Lord our God in with us.

PRAYER: “God, remind me daily of Your presence in my life.”

TOMORROW’S READING: Joshua 5-7; Luke 6:12-36

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