12/12/19 No Corruption Found

READING: Daniel 5-6, Jude

When King Darius elevated Daniel to be the administrator over his kingdom, jealousy erupted among the other leaders. They set out to “find a charge against Daniel,” but “they could find no charge or corruption, for he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was found in him” (Dan 6:4). They could find no lack of integrity in Daniel, and he was aboveboard in all his dealings.

Surely if they could have found anything even potentially wrong with Daniel’s life, they would have capitalized on it quickly. Jealousy most often has a way of finding wrong with others, but Daniel lived with such integrity that his enemies had no ground to stand on. He was above reproach—and only by appealing to the ego of the king could they set Daniel up for conflict.

Here’s what I wonder today: do I by my choices give detractors any grounds to charge me with wrong? Some of us live with unforsaken sin, and we know others would have cause to accuse us. Others live on the edge of wrong, and even that leaning is enough for our enemies to raise concerns. Few of us live in such a way that we give them no grounds for accusation. That must be our goal, however—to live for the One who is the living God.

PRAYER: “God, change me to walk with You in full integrity.”

TOMORROW’S READING: Daniel 7-9, Rev 1:1-2:7






















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