07/02/20 Watch Yourself

READING: 2 Chronicles 5-7, Psalm 121, 1 Timothy 4

If I were writing a bullet point list of imperatives for pastors and church leaders, it would include things like, among others:

  • Be an evangelist. Tell others about Jesus.
  • Love the church. They’re God’s people.
  • Build your ministry on prayer. You can’t do your work on your own.
  • Model godliness. Your church needs to see the gospel lived out.

I could add many others, of course. Today, though, I’m pausing to think of Paul’s words to Timothy, “Pay close attention to your life and your teaching” (1 Tim 4:16). Timothy was to continually check his heart and his actions, knowing that he was to set an example for others. By his life he was to illustrate his spiritual progress and his giftedness. At the same time, he was to keep watch on what he was teaching, working diligently to proclaim the message Paul was proclaiming. Timothy’s task was, in fact, to teach sound doctrine and to correct those who were teaching otherwise (1 Tim 1:3).

As leaders (indeed, as believers), we’re to watch how we act and what we teach. Both matter.

PRAYER: “God, let my life model Jesus, and may my teachings be Yours.”

TOMORROW’S READING: 1 Kings 9, 2 Chronicles 8, 1 Timothy 5































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