10 Handwritten Notes Most of Us Ought to Send

I realize we live in a day when writing notes by hand seems an ancient practice. On the other hand, a personal note says something like, “I’ve taken the time to send you a message in my hand, and I hope it’s encouraging to you.” For that reason, I challenge all of us—beginning with me—to write some notes. Even if we write one note each week, here are some possibilities: 

  1. A thank you note to a faithful church lay leader
  2. A word of encouragement to a pastoral staff member 
  3. A note of testimony to a non-believing friend
  4. A card of gratitude to a spouse
  5. A word of reassurance and love to a child
  6. A thank you note to the person who led you to the Lord
  7. A written prayer to someone hurting or grieving
  8. A word of support to a missionary
  9. A note of prayer and encouragement to a college student
  10. A card of thanksgiving and prayer to a first responder in your community

Writing a card doesn’t take long, and it can pay long-term dividends relationally. Pray for me that I will maintain this practice, too. 

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