02/07/18 Believe . . . and Forget

READING: Exodus 14-18

“The people feared the Lord and believed in him.”

Exodus 14:31

We’re a fickle people some days. Many days, perhaps. In that sense, we’re like the Hebrews, whose belief in God was strengthened by their miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, but who struggled with belief when they were later thirsty and hungry.  

God led them across the sea, and He then collapsed the same waters on the Egyptians. Indeed, the destruction of their enemy was so thorough that “not even one of them survived” (Exo. 14:28). God’s power was so evident that the people believed not only in Him but also in His servant, Moses, whom He sent to lead them: “When Israel saw the great power that the Lord used against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and believed in him and in his servant Moses” (Exo. 14:31). It’s hard not to believe in Him when you’ve crossed a parted sea on dry ground, and your enemy all lay dead on the ground. Moses was their human leader, but God was their Deliverer.

That history, however, didn’t keep them from later complaining when they had only bitter water and seemingly insufficient food. As one writer described their attitude, “Israelite memory of victory displayed a remarkable brevity.”* We are again reminded that we sometimes get so focused on today’s perceived needs—or on God’s perceived lack of concern – that we forget His care and protection in the past. Yesterday’s awe can be fleeting as long our attention is on ourselves rather than on God.


  • Spend some time today thinking again about God’s care for you in the past.
  • Trust Him to meet your needs today.

PRAYER: “God, You are both powerful and caring. I praise You.”


*The MacArthur Study Bible (Kindle Locations 22907-22908). Crossway. Kindle Edition.

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