06/23/18 A Double Portion

READING: 2 Kings 1-4

“And Elisha said, ‘Please let there be a double portion of your spirit on me.’”

2 Kings 2:9

We often remember him because he wanted a double portion of his mentor’s spirit. Nothing else did Elisha ask for, at least that we know of. In that culture, the firstborn son could receive a double portion of inheritance from his father, but Elisha did not ask for material possessions. What he wanted was a double helping of the power that Elijah had, knowing that he needed that power to do the work he would do as Elijah’s successor. The great prophet would be gone, and the task given to Elisha would be more than he could do in his own strength. He knew not to take a step apart from the authority and power of God. 

I wonder how many men I know who so walk with God that I would want a double portion of their spirit . . . whose evidence of God’s hand is so clear that few can deny it . . . who hear the voice of God and respond in obedience . . .   who speak God’s Word and something just happens . . . and in whose shoes I would want to walk. I realize the prophetic days of the Old Testament were different than today, but still, the metaphor of getting double the spirit of a man of God grabs my attention. I’m deeply grateful for the men I know who walk with God like that. 

At the same time, I am asking whether I am such a man to other people. I doubt that I am, but I do wish to be. I want people to see the power of God in me. 


  • Thank God for the power He gives us as He indwells us. 
  • Seek to follow God so deeply and clearly that others want what you have.

PRAYER: “Father, I praise You that You fill us with Your Spirit.”

TOMORROW’S READING:  Make-up and review day 

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