9 Questions to Ask as You Review Your Sermon for this Weekend

I realize we preachers have little control over how our listeners respond to the preached Word. At the same time, though, we need to strive to communicate well for the glory of God. It’s still good for us to consider some questions as we review our sermons for this weekend. Here are some I keep in my mind each week: 

  1. How has the Word critiqued my life this week, and what steps do I need to take in response to that Word? That is, I assume we preachers genuinely evaluate our own lives in light of the Word to be preached before we ever preach it. 
  2. Will my hearers see in me a godly preacher who has prayed, studied, and prepared well? There’s much in that question, beginning with my personal walk with God, followed by my preparation. All of this matters when we preach. 
  3. Will they recognize that the Word of God is my authority? I don’t want them to have to guess how important the Word of God is to me and my church. I want it to be obvious.
  4. Will they sense that I truly believe what I’m preaching? My guess is that many listeners will see through us if we’re preaching something just because it’s Sunday—and not because we believe it with all our being. 
  5. Will they have learned from the Word of God through the sermon? Again, I realize all kinds of distractions might keep them from learning—but I don’t want it to be because I haven’t taught clearly and passionately. 
  6. Will they know more about Jesus or more about me after the sermon? I don’t know any preachers who set out to talk more about themselves than about Jesus, but I’ve seen it happen. I’m sure I’ve done it, too—thus, this question….
  7. Will they walk away with clear action steps to take on the basis of the sermon’s truths? If they walk away with only head knowledge but no practical application steps, I will not have fully done my job. 
  8. Will non-believers know more about how to follow Jesus? He is the center of the story, the alpha and omega of our faith (Rev 21:6). Every time I preach the Word, I want to challenge all my hearers (beginning with me) to follow Jesus. Particularly, I pray unbelievers will know how to respond to His calling.
  9. Will they likely want to come back next week? We have no say over that decision, but we can so walk with God and teach His truths that others want to hear more. 

What questions do you ask? 

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