This weekend, God’s people around the world will worship Him. Maybe this simple PRAY acronym will help you get your heart ready today.
PREPARE your heart by simply focusing on God’s goodness and grace today.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands (Psa. 19:1).
REPENT from any sin in your life.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
ASK God to speak through the one who will proclaim the Word.
Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel (Eph. 6:19).
YEARN for God to do something through your congregation.
As a deer longs for streams of water, so I long for You, God. I thirst for God, the living God (Psa. 42:1-2).
When God’s people gather as holy, expectant, longing people, He often just does something. May that be the case with your congregation this weekend.