READING: Matthew 17, Mark 9, Luke 9:28-62
TEXTS AND APPLICATION: They were Jesus’ disciples, but they could not cast out a demon. A hurting, desperate father brought his possessed son to the disciples, and the combined texts of the three gospel readings today speak of the tragedy: “I brought him to your disciples, but they couldn’t heal him” (Matt. 17:16); “so I asked your disciples to drive it out, but they couldn’t” (Mark 9:18); “I begged your disciples to drive it out, but they couldn’t” (Luke 9:40).
Both Matthew and Mark record Jesus’ words about why they could not cast out the demon. They had too little faith (Matt. 17:20), and they weren’t praying (Mark 9:29). Apparently, they had some faith they could cast out a demon, but that faith also apparently didn’t necessitate prayer. It’s quite likely they simply assumed that because they had previously been victorious in days gone by (Mark 6:12-13), they would necessarily be victorious this day, too. That is, they were banking on today’s victory on the basis of yesterday’s power.
And, as they learned, that’s a bad way to do ministry.
ACTION STEPS: Take up your cross today. Seek God today. Don’t assume victory this day just because you had victory yesterday.
PRAYER: “Father, thank You for a new day. Lead me in Your power today.”