11/15/15 Breakfast Time

READING: Luke 24, John 20-21

TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Today’s reading brings to the end our reading of the four Gospels — and the focus is again Jesus’ resurrection and His post-resurrection appearances. I am struck today by Jesus’ recorded questions and statements in these chapters. I wonder how I might respond to the Lord’s words: 

Luke 24:25 [to the disciples on the road to Emma’s] “How unwise and slow you are to believe in your hearts all that the prophets have spoken! Didn’t the Messiah have to suffer these things and enter into His glory?”

Luke 24:38 [to all the disciples]  “Why are you troubled?” He asked them. “And why do doubts arise in your hearts?”

John 21:12 [to disciples by the sea]  “Come and have breakfast.”

The Jesus who recognized His disciples as slow to listen and quick to doubt is the same Jesus who fixed them breakfast with the fish He granted them. He so loved them that He not only died for them, but He also patiently taught them even when they doubted His resurrection. 

I am amazed by His patience with us. And deeply grateful. 

ACTION STEPS: If  you have not had breakfast yet today, spend that time with Jesus in prayer. If you have had breakfast, plan to spend tomorrow morning with Him.  

PRAYER: “Lord Jesus, forgive me when I talk more about your resurrection than I believe it. Thanks for putting up with me.”






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