03/03/16 Remembering

READING: Deuteronomy 14-16

Knowing who we are is important, but remembering who we used to be matters, too. In fact, we sometimes think too highly of ourselves today because we forget just how lost we used to be. Getting over our lostness can lead to trouble. 

Twice in today’s reading, Moses called the people to “remember that you were slaves in Egypt” (Deut 15:15, 16:12). In the first place, they were to be willing to release their slaves every seven years, liberally blessing them as they were released. The former slaves in Egypt were now to extend grace to their own slaves, giving them blessings even as the Egyptians gave the Hebrews gifts when they left that country.   

In the second case, they were to celebrate the harvest not only with their family, but also with servants, Levites, foreigners, orphans and widows — that is, with people who themselves often had no land. Again, the people of God who at one time had been separated from their land were to invite “landless” people to share their celebration. The Lord who had been good to His own expected them in turn to be good toward others. 

When we remember who we were before knowing God — that is, slaves in a bondage we could not escape — that reminder should change the way we live. For example:

  1. We should be more gracious to other sinners who don’t know God. 
  2. We should be less inclined toward arrogance, realizing that we’re different only because of God’s grace.
  3. We should be willing to share what God has given us; after all, He’s the source of it all anyway. 
  4. We should be much more thankful. 

ACTION STEPS: Consider these steps:

  • Take time to remember your life before knowing Jesus. Meditate briefly on your lostness and your inability to save yourself. 
  • Consider this question: “How would my life change today if I really understood just how lost I was — and how gracious God was to save me?” Take at least one action step in response to this question. 
  • Give today to someone who is less fortunate.        

PRAYER: “Lord, You are my deliverer. Apart from You, I was only a sinner in bondage. May I live my life today in obedience, joy, and sacrifice because of Your grace.”  

TOMORROW’S READING:  Deuteronomy 17-20


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