Here are some suggested readings for believers this week:
What My Little Boys Need from Their Daddy by Jamie Dew
Here’s the companion piece to Jamie’s post last week about his little girls. It’s good stuff, daddies.
5 Reasons Church Leaders Should Pay Attention to Christian Hip-Hop by Aaron Earls
I admit that I first read this post simply because I’m completely uninformed about Christian hip-hop. Now I know why I needed to read it.
A Game-Changing Perspective of Motherhood by Laura Booz
Having a healthy perspective on our roles is helpful, especially when our roles are sometimes complex and stretching. Ladies, I hope you find this post helpful.
Defusing Preacher Landmines by Peter Mead
Last week, I recommended Peter's strong reminder of some issues that all of us must guard against. This week, here’s the follow up with recommendations.
The Most Unreported Number That Makes the Biggest Difference in Small Groups by Steve Parr
I wasn’t sure which number my friend Steve Parr was referring to, so this post taught me. It will help you, too.