Take a look at these resources to help you this week:
Four Insights about Leadership I Learned from a Bunch of Creatives by Charles Stone
Those of us who aren’t very creative can learn from others around us. Take a minute to read what Charles learned in a one-day session about book marketing.
Four Ways to Deal with Discouragement by Ronnie Floyd
Most of us deal with discouragement at times. Learn a few simple steps from a veteran pastor.
6 Pastoral Tips for Non-Pastoral Types by Rich Birch
Read some good pointers for those of us who are not generally “pastoral people.” It’s available as an audio blog, too.
Five Reasons to Keep Going When You Want to Quit by Kevin Campbell
If you’ve had a rough week, this post is for you. And, even if you’ve had a good week, you’ll probably need it at some point!
Find a Friend to Wound You by Greg Morse
This post made me stop and pray. Check it out.