READING: John 19-21
Jesus really is amazing. I know we Christians say we believe that truth, but I’m not sure we adequately consider who He is.
In just today’s reading, He’s the crucified One who is still concerned about His mother’s well-being (John 19:25-27). He’s the center and fulfillment of God’s plan to provide salvation — the One who could cry as He died, “It is finished” (John 19:30). He is the buried Son of God who was there by His own choice, and who would not stay there (John 20:1-2). He’s the Savior who knows His followers by name, evidenced by his calling “Mary” in the garden (John 20:11-16). He is God in the flesh, the One for whom locked doors are no obstacle; He just appears among His people (John 20:19-20, 26). He’s the miracle worker who multiplies fish in the fishermen’s net (John 21:1-1-6), yet He’s also the loving Messiah who fixes breakfast for His disciples (John 21:10-14). And, He’s the Redeemer who lovingly welcomes Peter back into the fold even as He warns him of His death (John 21:15-23).
His enemies “slapped him in the face” (John 19:3), mocked Him as a make-believe king, and gambled over His garments (John 20:19-24). They looked on Him as “the one they have pierced” (John 20:37) and were surely pleased when they got what they asked for: Jesus had been crucified. Of course, He did not stay in the grave. He rose again, and His followers cried out with such gripping words as “I have seen the Lord!,” “We have seen the Lord!,” and “It is the Lord!” (John 20:18, 25; John 21:7).
That story brings us to the end of the gospels with today’s reading, but we’re reminded that there’s so much more to know about Jesus: “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written” (John 21:25). I can’t wait to learn more.
Actually, I can’t wait to see the Lord!
- Take time to glance through all four gospels, and focus on just how amazing Jesus is.
- Answer for yourself the question Jesus asked Simon Peter three times: “Do you love me?”
PRAYER: “Jesus, You’re amazing. I can’t imagine all that You did when You were on earth. I look forward to being with You in eternity.”