11/12/16 Baptized in the Spirit

READING: Acts 1-3

Let me get right to the point today: we face a powerful enemy, but God Himself lives in us — and thus, we need not fear anything or anyone other than God.  

It’s an incredible part of the gospel story, actually. Jesus told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem “for the gift my Father promised” (Acts 1:4). That gift was the gift of the Holy Spirit, who would so immerse the believers in His presence and power that Jesus used the phrase “baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:5) to explain what happened. God had kept His Word through the prophet Joel, and He would indeed pour out His Spirit on all people (Acts 2:16-17). 

This Spirit would empower Christians to be God’s witnesses (Acts 1:8), lead them to speak in new tongues (Acts 2:1-4), and turn the hearts of thousands of non-believers to God (Acts 2:41, 47). No longer would the Spirit fill leaders only for a particular purpose, as in the Old Testament; He would fill believers for the rest of their lives. That fact should give us confidence to do whatever God requires us to do. We are now never alone in the spiritual battles we face. We go nowhere, and we face no issue without God’s presence in us. 

The height of the mountain we must climb doesn’t matter, for God is in us. The depth of the valley is irrelevant, for we do not travel it alone. The geographic and cultural boundaries we must cross to take the gospel to the nations are no obstacle, for God goes with us. No temptation is too strong, and no burden is too heavy for God who indwells us. Discouragement and depression cannot overtake Him. Worry cannot consume Him; fear cannot conquer Him. And, if we must die in His work, death cannot defeat Him. 

He is quite a God who not only dies for us, but who also lives within us. Praise Him! 


  • Using a good Bible dictionary, study the Holy Spirit in the Bible.   
  • Meditate on this truth today: the God who is everywhere also lives within you if you are a follower of Christ. Be filled with wonder over that fact.          

PRAYER: “God, I thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to live within me. Teach me what a miracle that is! ”     




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