02/26/17 The Lord Hears

READING: Numbers 12-14, Mark 5:21-43

“And the Lord heard it.”

Numbers 12:2

There is so much in today’s reading that could capture our attention. Miriam developed leprosy for opposing Moses. Spies viewed the land, but most of them disbelieved God’s promise. Two spies, Caleb and Joshua, challenged the people of God to trust Him despite the reports of the giants in the land. God stood ready to dispossess His people, and Moses interceded on behalf of the people. God exacted judgment on the people – 40 years of wandering and death in the wilderness. These stories were so central to the journey of the Hebrews that it seems odd not to address them fully.

Nevertheless, a couple of specific phrases within these passages give me pause today. When Miriam and Aaron complained against Moses and argued that God had spoken through them as well, surely they assumed they were somehow complaining out of the distance of God’s ears. But, one simple sentence in English proves just the opposite: “And the Lord heard it” (Num. 12:2). When most of the congregation of Israel also complained about God, He again heard whatever they were saying: “How long must I endure this evil community that keeps complaining about Me? I have heard the Israelites’ complaints that they make against Me” (Num. 14:27). In fact, He judged them with the very deaths they worried would happen in the wilderness.

The people probably didn’t think much about God as the partner in their conversations, but He was. He heard their every word.  Even today, He still hears all that we say. Every complaint. Every brag. Every curse word. Every off-color joke. Every criticism. Nothing we say avoids His ears. 

When I think of this truth, I’m even more amazed that God also hears the positive: the prayers of His faithful followers – like Moses, the most humble man of his day (Num. 12:3) – who seek Him. I want my words to be words that God delights in hearing.


  • When you are tempted to complain today, fight that temptation.
  • Make sure your words today are words that please God.

PRAYER: “God, let the words of my lips be honoring to You. Remind me that You are listening.”

TOMORROW'S READING: Numbers 15-16, Mark 6:1-29

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