READING: 1 Samuel 25-26, Luke 12:32-59
“From everyone who has been given much, much will be required.”
Luke 12:48
I could spend hours listing the ways God has blessed me. He has given me access to His Word – all of it, in my language. He allows me to worship freely without threat on my life for speaking His Word. Not only has He given me opportunity to be trained to do His work, but He has also provided income to cover my educational costs through the years. He has given me the perfect mate to walk with me and share the tasks of ministry. Further, He has provided ministry opportunities that allow me to share the gospel both in North America and around the world. God has been really, really good to me.
Being aware of my blessings today, though, can be convicting as much as it is comforting. That’s because of Jesus’ words in today’s reading: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more” (Luke 12:48). While the context of the verses suggests that they speak about judgment, the principle remains the same – God demands much from those who have access to His message and who know what He requires of them. When God gives us much light, He holds us accountable to that light.
That word is especially significant in light of Jesus’ call to be ever ready for His coming. He may come “at an hour that [we] do not expect” (Luke 12:40), but He expects to find us serving as “faithful and sensible” stewards (Luke 12:42) when He returns. I simply must do the will of the Father today, knowing that I will answer to Him – perhaps even today. That truth means that I must, for example, share the gospel faithfully, invest in others as disciples of Christ, give faithfully to His work, reject temptations, and overcome sins. He who has given me opportunity and responsibility will hold me to a high standard.
He has given me much, and He demands much in turn.
- Meditate on the blessings God has given you today.
- Assume that Jesus will return today, and live appropriately. God will hold you accountable.
PRAYER: “Lord, I want to be found faithful. Help me step-by-step.”
TOMORROW’S READING: 1 Samuel 27-29, Luke 13:1-22