READING: Psalms 46-48, Acts 28
“. . . with all boldness and without hindrance.”
Acts 28:31
He never quit preaching, regardless of the cost. Beat him, and he’d proclaim the Word anyway. Arrest him, and he’d preach to his captors. Imprison him, and he’d preach to prisoners and guards. Send him to the king, and he’d share his testimony. Put him under house arrest, and he would welcome all who come to him, “proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance” (Acts 28:31). He preached about God’s kingdom and taught about God’s Son with no internal fear capturing him and no external constraints hindering him.
Indeed, the apostle Paul preached the gospel boldly until his death. When I read about Paul’s faithfulness in spite of opposition, I’m reminded of his request in Ephesians 6:19 – “Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel.” Paul had intentionally and strategically sought prayer support so that he would preach the gospel boldly, and apparently those prayers worked. Despite the spiritual and political opposition that has been evident in the book of Acts – including Paul’s imprisonment – nothing stopped the spread of the gospel.
Behind the scenes were, I suspect, believers who had taken seriously Paul’s request for others to pray for him. We may not know their names, but we do recognize in Paul’s ministry the fruit of their labors of prayer. We do not see Paul stricken with fear as he did evangelistic ministry, and perhaps that’s because he had others praying intentionally and strategically for him. From their knees, his prayer warrior supporters made a difference, without concern to be remembered or honored.
- Make sure you have prayer partners praying for you daily. If not, enlist some.
- Proclaim the gospel boldly, knowing others are interceding for you.
PRAYER: “Father, give me prayer partners whose support helps me preach and lead.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Psalms 49-50, Romans 1