Check out these helpful recent posts:
Why You Should Seriously Reconsider Co-signing that Loan by Art Rainer
Think at least twice before you sign your name. Here’s why.
How to Last in Ministry by Rick Warren
This single phrase, “Divert daily, withdraw weekly and abandon annually,” was most challenging to me. Read more . . . .
What 9Marks Purists Should Know about Church Planting by Ed Stetzer
I’ve always been grateful for the willingness of the folks at 9Marks to invite other voices into their discussions. Don’t miss this article if you have an interest in church planting.
3 Ways Great Leaders Handle Tough Circumstances Differently by Carey Nieuwhof
You won’t regret checking your own heart and actions against this list of characteristics.
Great Leaders Develop a Leadership Vocabulary by Ron Edmondson
Here’s a short but powerful post that will challenge you to think about what you say today.