READING: Jeremiah 22-23, Titus 1
“Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him?”
Jeremiah 23:24
From the Garden of Eden to this day, one response of sinners is to try to hide their sin. Adam and Eve sinned, and their first response was to hide among the trees of the garden (Gen. 3:8). We follow that same pattern by sinning in secret and convincing ourselves that no one knows what we’re doing – including God. We would likely never say, “God doesn’t see what I’m doing,” but we choose to live as if that statement were true.
We need to hear over and over again these words from the book of Jeremiah: “Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord” (Jer. 23:24). False prophets were speaking lies to the people, but they were not deceiving God. He is everywhere, both far away and “at hand” (Jer. 23:23). He heard their every word and recognized their every lie; He was not ignorant of their false teaching. He who is everywhere also knows everything.
Because we cannot go to any place where God is not, our lives should be different:
- Secret sin should disappear.
- Backroom conversations should cease.
- Filthy talk should be silenced.
- Lies should be forsaken.
- Motives of the heart must be pure.
I could add many other ways that our lives should change, but the point is clear: we’re not getting away with anything when we think we are. We might deceive the people around us, but we do not deceive God.
- Confess any hidden sin in your life.
- Rejoice that there is no place we go where God is not. He’s everywhere.
PRAYER: “Father, I praise You that I can hide nothing from You. Help me to live in that truth.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Jeremiah 24-26, Titus 2