READING: Micah 6-7, Revelation 13
“But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord.”
Micah 7:7
It’s hard to follow God fully when everyone else seems to have turned against Him. Indeed, it’s easier to go the way of the majority when the righteous are outnumbered. It’s wrong to do so, but it still feels more comfortable . . . more popular . . . and even safer. Micah and the remnant of faithful believers in their day, though, knew better.
They lived in a culture that had turned corrupt. So pervasive was evil that Micah wrote, “The godly person has perished from the land” and “concerning evil, both hands do it well” (Mic. 7:2, 3). Few people could be trusted, including sons and daughters; “a man’s enemies are the men of his own household” (Mic. 7:6).
What Micah knew, however, was that God could be trusted even if no one else could. While the people turned from God, Micah turned his eyes to Him: “But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me” (Mic. 7:7). The prophet watched with great faith for the Lord to work. He knew that the God who saved him was also the God who would accomplish His plan. Further, this God would not miss the cries of His children. In fact, Micah saw Him as “my God”—the One who seeks relationship with human beings created in His image.
Sometimes we may indeed be required to stand alone as a faithful follower of Jesus. When that happens, turn to God, trusting Him to act according to His plan and timing. Watch and wait in faith. Listen closely for God’s message via His Word. Be patiently faithful as you follow Him.
- Answer this question: “Do you watch with anticipation and excitement for God to work in you and around you?”
- Be patient with God’s plan. He’s still your God, and He still knows what’s best.
PRAYER: “God, I get discouraged, and I don’t wait well. I don’t listen closely to Your Word. Forgive me, and help me.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Nahum 1-3, Revelation 14