3 Fears of A Young Minister

Our guest blogger today is Trevor Forbis, a student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Trevor recently began as Minister of Students and Local Outreach at Restoration Church in Wake Forest, NC. I’ve asked him to remind us of some fears that young ministers face.

I'm in my first year of a paid ministry position. As a young minister, I’ve noticed fears that have crept into my life as I have stepped into ministry. I believe that by my exposing these fears to the gospel, the church can encourage and speak truth into young ministers like me. Here are three fears that I am battling in my first year as a minister: 

  1. I fear that I won’t live up to the expectations of others. Essentially, I fear that I’ll let people down. I’ve watched people sacrifice time, energy and resources in my development because they believe in me, yet I fear the result won’t be what everyone hoped for. Although I have a desire to do amazing things, it helps to remember that I’m called to be faithful, not amazing.  
  2. I fear I’ll really mess up. I specifically fear messing up theologically and morally. Even with a seminary education, the thought that I am accountable to the Lord for how I live and how I teach creates a fear within me that can feel paralyzing. Yet, I’m thankful for godly men who walk alongside me and who are just as committed to my equipping and holiness as I am. 
  3. I fear my ministry won’t amount to anything. I believe this fear is rooted in the false idea that ministry finds its success in the number of people it attracts. I’ve been saturated in a gospel-centered disciple-making culture for years, yet I still fight buying into this lie. I know I must align myself with what God deems most significant, and I’ve found much encouragement when my pastor celebrates what God is doing within the ministry I'm leading. Through my pastor encouraging me and celebrating with me in the seemingly small things, he helps remind me of what’s significant in the eyes of the Lord. 

What fears did you experience (or are you experiencing) in your early years of ministry? Let us know how God gave you victory over them. 


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