READING: Deuteronomy 1-3
“I will make them your leaders.”
Deuteronomy 1:13
I’ve been in ministry for more than 35 years, but I still have so, so much to learn. I’ve realized that truth again today as I read Deuteronomy 1.
As Moses recited Hebrew history, he reminded them of the advice Jethro had given him to delegate his responsibilities. The people had grown so large that Moses could not on his own handle all the responsibilities; indeed, he asked, “But how can I bear your troubles, burdens, and disputes by myself?” (Deut. 1:12). The solution was to “appoint for yourselves wise, understanding, and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will make them your leaders” (Deut. 1:13). Moses was wise enough to admit that he needed their help, and he gave the leaders some responsibilities that would then decrease his burden.
God puts in our churches men who have practical wisdom, who discern well, and who have life experience that gives them credibility. In many cases, they want to walk beside us, assist us, strengthen us, and help us succeed. Indeed, they want to make sure that we don’t burn out under the weight of ministry. They love us, and they want to bear the burdens with us.
My problem is this: I’m not always wise enough to invite others to help me in the battle. My tendency is to bear the weight by myself, privately letting the burden wear me down. I tend to turn to others only after I’ve allowed the burden to almost defeat me.
As I said, I still have so, so much to learn.
- Evaluate your own willingness to ask for help and delegate responsibilities.
- Pray for me that I would be wiser in leaning on others.
PRAYER: “Father, grant me grace to ask for help from believers who care about me.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Deuteronomy 4-7