10 Leadership Statements that Have Inspired and Challenged Me

Yesterday I posted “10 Leadership Statements that Spell Trouble.” Today, I’m posting the opposite – leadership statements that have inspired and challenged me. All of these have come from leaders whose Christian walk and leadership ability have been models for me. These are just simple statements, but I’ve never forgotten them. 

  1. “You know there’s nothing God can’t do.” I did know that, but I’d forgotten it in the midst of difficulty. I needed to hear it again. 
  2. “You’ve prayed about it, right?” I had, but apparently not sufficiently to alleviate my worry. This faithful leader reminded me that there’s power in prayer. 
  3. “This, too, will pass.” He had lived long enough to know that current circumstances don’t always last. He was right. It did pass. 
  4. “God’s will is always present tense.” I desperately needed these words when I wondered if I would ever forgive myself for sin in the past.  
  5. “God called you here, and we’re with you.” I had experienced a broken marriage engagement, and I offered my resignation to the church’s deacons. I am where I am today partially because they didn’t give up on me then.  
  6. Don’t let your leadership take you where your character can’t keep you.” This statement was more convicting than inspiring, but it gripped me. 
  7. “When opportunity, ability, and needs cross paths, don’t miss what God’s doing.” One of my leadership heroes helped me think through how to make a decision about God’s will. His guidance was invaluable. 
  8. “Make sure that what you leave behind is better than what you received when you came.” I don’t know if I’ve always lived up to that expectation, but I’ve tried. I know that the best test of my leadership is what happens after I’m gone.  
  9. “Pour yourself into young leaders for the rest of your life.” I was at dinner with Robert Coleman, author of The Master Plan of Evangelism– and both his example and his words changed the way I’ve done ministry since then. 
  10. “Take risks, but fall forward.” I’ve watched this leader take risk after risk. He’s never stagnant, and he always learns something even when his plans fail. 

What leadership statements have been most inspiring for you? Take some time today to encourage someone! 


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