07/20/18 Every Morning

READING: Isaiah 31-35

“Be our strength every morning and our salvation in time of trouble.”

Isaiah 33:2

It may have been that the Assyrians were at the gate, ready to defeat the people of God. They would bring destruction on Judah, but they would not ultimately win. Rather, the nation that had done the destroying would themselves be destroyed. Their rule would not be forever, for only God reigns eternally. He who used them as instruments of judgment would also bring judgment on them. 

The prayer of Isaiah 33:2 at least implies that God’s people had been praying, and His response to them was the guarantee of judgment on Assyria. Their prayer was a cry for grace—for God to be merciful to them even as they waited on Him. More specifically, they wanted Him to be their “strength every morning” and their “salvation in time of trouble” (Isa. 33:2). He alone was their deliverer, and their seeking His strength “every morning” granted them hope in the time of great trouble. 

Every morning, God would be their power. Every morning, temptation and battle would arise again for the Hebrews—but God would be their might. Every morning would bring opportunities for good and for evil. Every morning, the people would need the grace of God to counter the time of trouble, and He would give them victory. Every morning—and thus all day long—He would be their strength. 

Every morning, God is with us. He is our strength. Thus, we need not fear or dread the day. 


  • Honestly answer this question: is God your strength today?  
  • If you are reading this devotion in the morning, pray for God to be your strength throughout the day. If you are not reading in the morning, nevertheless ask God to be your strength today and tomorrow. 

PRAYER: “God, I know I’ve not always leaned on You. Forgive me. Be my strength today.”    

TOMORROW’S READING: Isaiah 36-37, 2 Kings 18:9-19:37, 2 Chronicles 32:1-23, Psalm 76

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