READING: Daniel 4-6
“They could find no charge or corruption.”
Daniel 6:4
I have written in the past about the men who have been most influential in my spiritual walk. To be honest, I can speak of some men whose lives I don’t want to emulate, and I’ve learned from them what I don’t want to be. That’s not to say that I’m never tempted in that direction, though; it’s because I could easily go there that I hold myself accountable to others via this devotion.
On the other hand, the positive examples that most come to mind for me have at least one thing in common: as many hours as I’ve spent with them, I’ve never seen or heard them do anything that borders on sin. I’m not naïve or theologically uninformed, so I know without question that they are sinners; it’s just that I’ve never seen anything that obvious.
So, I think of these men as I read about Daniel in today’s reading. Other leaders whom King Darius had appointed were jealous of Daniel, who was placed in authority over them. They tried to find reasons to accuse him and have him removed. Here’s what they found, however: “they could find no charge or corruption, for he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was found in him” (Dan. 6:4).
No charge against him. No obvious corruption in him. Trustworthy. No negligence. They could find nothing against him.
That’s the way I want to live.
- Evaluate your level of integrity in your walk with God. Confess and repent as needed.
- Live differently today.
PRAYER: “Father, help me to live so I give no grounds for others to accuse me.”