12/27/18 Who is This?

READING: Mark 4-5

“Who then is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him!”

Mark 4:41

Anyone who knows me probably knows that the Gospel of Mark in my favorite Gospel. It’s short, action-packed, and to-the-point. It’s Jesus from the beginning to the end, with a great deal of focus on His death. Chapters 4 (particularly the last story) and all of chapter 5 clearly show Jesus as the Master over all things:

            Mark 4:35-41– He is the Master over nature – the One whose very words control the wind and the waves.

            Mark 5:1-20– He is the Master over demons, even when there is a legion of them!

            Mark 5:25-34– He is the Master over sickness. He could do for this woman in a second what no other doctors could do in more than a decade.

            Mark 5:21-24, 35-41– He is the Master over death. So much is He in charge that He worries not when He hears others say, “Your daughter has died.” 

Every time I read these stories, I’m left with one simple question: what do I face today that is too big for Jesus to handle?  You know, of course, the answer. 

The problem is that I, like others, get more focused on the circumstances at hand than on the Redeemer who is bigger than the circumstances.


  • Thank Jesus for who He is.
  • No matter what you face today, know that Jesus is bigger.

 PRAYER: “Jesus, I praise You and love You. You are both the Baby of Bethlehem and the King of Kings!”   

TOMORROW’S READING:  Exodus 14:13-14, 23-25


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