READING: Mark 3:13-15
Jesus called His disciples first to “be with Him” (Mark 3:14), and out of the overflow of that time with Him would they do the work of proclaiming the gospel and casting out demons. Though they didn’t always listen to Him or follow Him well, their time at His feet was ultimately life-changing. There’s little that compares with walking with and learning from someone who just walks with God.
We, too, have the privilege of investing in others. If you’re not sure if can do that, let me encourage you: you simply need to be walking one step ahead of your “disciple” as you, too, seek the Lord – and then you have something to give back to him or her. You don’t have to be a seminary-trained scholar before you can teach others what the Lord is teaching you.
Here’s my challenge to you this week: find time to hang out with another believer. Talk about what you’re learning as you read the Word and listen to God’s Spirit. Be honest about your struggles and victories. Pray with that believer, asking God to help both of you grow in Him. Even if you have only a few minutes, you might find out that there’s great joy in being with another brother or sister in Christ.
PRAYER: “God, show me someone this week to spend time with. Help me to prioritize this opportunity.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Numbers 23-25, Mark 11