READING: Deuteronomy 28; Luke 4:1-30
In today’s Old Testament reading, I read over and over again this simple truth: God blesses obedience, and He judges disobedience. If the people obeyed God fully, He would bless them in the city and in the country; grant them children, crops, livestock, and food; assure them of victory over their enemies; and establish them as His holy people. Those blessings would even touch the nations: “Then all the peoples of the earth will see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they will fear you” (Deut 28:10). The Hebrews were only to “pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God” and “carefully follow them” (Deut 28:13).
On the other hand, their disobedience would bring curses, barrenness, disease, drought, defeat, and exile. Indeed, the list of negative results from their disobedience far exceeds the list of blessings—perhaps foreshadowing the future choices of the Hebrews. All of these tragedies would occur if they did not “carefully follow all the words of this law, which are written in this book, and do not revere this glorious and awesome name—the Lord your God” (Deut 28:58).
These words were written to the Hebrews, but they nevertheless echo God’s call for us to be obedient to Him today. In fact, the promise of blessings and curses in this chapter makes me wonder why any of us would choose to live in disobedience. The pleasures of rebellion are too brief, and the cost of the same is far too great.
May God help us.
PRAYER: “Father, I want to obey Your Word fully. Teach me those joys, and remind me of the foolishness of disobedience.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Deuteronomy 29-31; Luke 4:31-44