READING: Genesis 2
Genesis 2:18 makes it clear that it was not good for Adam to be alone. Indeed, God said, “I will make him a helper fit for him” (2:18). Some would argue that this text indicates that God created all people to be married, but that’s not the case. There are too many examples of singles in the Bible that God used for this conclusion to be accurate. At the same time, though, this “aloneness” of Adam was not a product of the fall; rather, it was by God’s design that we are created with a need for other people in our lives. What Genesis 2:18 says to us is this: God does not intend for us to be “lone ranger” Christians who need no one else in our lives.
In our relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ, we experience the love that God gives us to share. We find in those relationships accountability, encouragement, strength, grace, and forgiveness. These relationships become, in some cases, closer to us than our families of origin (especially if our family is not a believing family). Somehow, God takes us from varied backgrounds and makes us one—uniting us under the shed blood of Christ. These relationships we indeed need if we want to be the best followers of Christ.
This week, spend some extra time with brothers and sisters in Christ. Be grateful that God makes Himself known to you through them.
PRAYER: “Father, thank You for brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank You for graciously putting me in the family.”
TOMORROW’S READING: 2 Chronicles 16-19, Acts 5:33-6:15