Saturday Suggestions/Week in Review

Check out these important posts from others: 

5 Benefits of Our Devices by Eddy Wu
Though technology can negatively impact our lives, it can also be used for good. Eddy Wu explains ways we can use technology to be good stewards of the life God has given us.

Discipleship from the Inside Out by Rick Brittain
Before our churches begin plugging new believers into various service opportunities, we must ensure they have a solid foundation. Rick Brittain explains the importance of answering new believers’ “internal” questions about their faith.

7 Reasons Why We Need to Move Beyond the Church Size Debate by Thom Rainer 
One size of church is not inherently better than another. Thom Rainer explains why the size of a church does not determine its health.

When Christians Just Don’t Read the Bible by Tim Challies
Many church-attending believers do not regularly read Scripture. Tim Challies shares ways for pastors to encourage their congregation to spend time in God’s Word.

In case you missed this week at, here’s the week in review: 

  1. 7 Evidences We Might Be Stuck in the Christian Bubble
  2. 7 Reasons Church Members Don’t Come to Prayer Meetings
  3. Word to Pastors: Why We Must Develop Relationships with Missionaries
  4. Why Spiritual Markers Matter…and Why We Must Talk about Them
  5. A Word to Missionaries: Connect with Local Churches

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