10 Types of Goals to Consider for 2020

We’re only a few weeks away from a new year – and an opportunity for a fresh start in some area of our lives. Look at these areas of potential goals, and determine at least three that you’ll seek to fulfill in the next year. If you want to hold yourself accountable, tell us in the comments section what areas you plan to address.

  1. Spiritual disciplines. Establish a plan to spend time with God each day. Do whatever it takes to walk more closely with God.
  2. Relationships. Most of us have room for improvement in how we relate to others. Perhaps you need to pray more regularly with your family. You might need to reconcile with someone.
  3. Finances. Saving money requires a plan. Set goals, start working your plan, and spend wisely. If you do, you’ll have more to give to God’s work.
  4. Career. Whatever your profession is, you likely want to improve in some area. Do all that you do for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31).
  5. Education. Even if you have earned a terminal degree in your discipline, there’s always more to know. Set some reading goals. Take another class. Keep learning.
  6. Health. God has given us one body that He expects us to take care of. Simply walking more each day is a start.
  7. Local church. If you’re not already involved in a local church, you can start now. If you’re already committed to a congregation, don’t let yourself grow stagnant – set some new goals for service in that church.
  8. Evangelism. Few of us are natural evangelists. Set a goal to share the gospel with somebody at least once a month, once a week, etc.
  9. Missions. Your options might include international service, or they might be limited to North American opportunities – but you can likely do something. 
  10. Spiritual reproduction. Make a commitment to pour yourself into another Christian this year, with this goal in mind: somebody will love and follow Christ more at the end of 2020.

Let us know how we might pray for you as you set any of these goals.


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