READING: Obadiah, Jonah 1-4, Revelation 12:7-13:18
Scholars debate the timing of the war that Revelation 12 describes, but there is no debate about the ultimate resolution of the battle: Satan, the “accuser of our brothers and sisters” (Rev 12:10) is cast down. The text shows us that the “dragon and his angels” battled against Michael and his angels, but the enemy “could not prevail” (Rev 12:7-8). He has not won the war, nor will he ever win it. The “blood of the Lamb” (Rev 12:11) has broken his power.
This word is surely good news to us. The enemy may fight ferociously against us because “he knows his time is short” (Rev 12:12), but he is no match for the forces of God. Arrogant, brazen, and powerful he may be, but all his might cannot prevail over the one who is Almighty. This truth reminds us that we are on the winning side, even if it may appear as if sin and evil are winning the day today. Eternity will prove that God is, has been, and always will be the victor.
I pray we will let this text guide us. When we face the enemy’s arrows of temptation and discouragement today, let’s keep this truth in mind: the dragon “has been thrown down” (Rev 12:10).
Praise the Lord!
PRAYER: “Lord, help me to stand against the dragon in my personal walk today.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Micah 1-7, Revelation 14