Check out these important post from others:
Don’t Lose Jesus in Your Christmas Busyness by Trillia Newbell
It can be easy for us to become caught up in the busyness of the holiday season. Trillia Newbell helps us refocus on attention on Christ.
3 Ways to Coach Young Leaders Without Frustrating Them by Dillon Smith
We have the opportunity to invest in the next generation of leaders. Dillon Smith shares his perspective as a younger team member, as well as ways his boss helps him grow as a leader.
Advent: Sent by the Sent One by Scott Hildreth
As Christians, we are commanded to take the gospel to the world. Scott Hildreth explains how Advent connects to Jesus’ Great Commission.
10 Reasons Your Sermons Shouldn’t be Too Short or Too Long by Jared Wilson
In order to communicate most effectively, preachers must be intentional about the length of their sermons. Jared Wilson discusses why sermon length matters.
In case you missed this week’s posts at, here’s the week in review:
- 8 Marks of Evangelistic Churches
- 10 Types of Goals to Consider for 2020
- 9 Characteristics of an Equipping Church
- 8 Characteristics of Praying Churches
- Why Fellowship Meals Often Miss the Point