Check out these important posts from others:
4 Things to Pray Before Opening Your Bible by Matt Smethurst
Before we read Scripture, we must focus our hearts. Matt Smethurst explains how to prepare to behold the wonders of God’s Word.
3 Ways Busyness Hurts People and Churches by Eric Geiger
Busyness can be dangerous. Eric Geiger shares how being consumed with our tasks negatively impacts our relationship with God and others.
The Most Unsung Discipleship Tool in Our Churches by Mike Harland
The music in our church service can be a key aspect of discipleship. Mike Harland shows how worship music can be used to engage the people around us.
How Churches Deal with the Challenge of Latecomers to Worship Services by Thom Rainer
It is not unusual for some church members to arrive late. Thom Rainer lists some ways churches encourage their congregation to be present at the beginning of the service.
In case you missed this week’s posts at, here’s the week in review: