04/29/20 God Moved

READING: 1 Samuel 14, Psalm 124, Acts 10

It can’t all happen just by coincidence. It’s not all by chance. Not when our God is sovereign over all creation.

Instead, God moves in unusual ways in our lives, leading others to cross our paths at just the right time. Think about the story in Acts 10 we’ve read today. Cornelius had a vision in which an angel directed him to send others to the home of Simon the tanner. There they would find Simon Peter, who was staying there. Apparently as they traveled in that direction, Simon Peter also saw a history-changing vision that taught him the gospel was for all people—including people like Cornelius. Before Peter could fully understand the vision, the Spirit told him to meet the men Cornelius had sent. By divine direction, Peter was to go to the home of Cornelius and share a message with him. That message was the gospel, now shared with Gentiles as well as Jews.

The hand of God was evident in all the events. Likewise, God moves in our lives that we might know Him better. I cannot explain my family’s moving to a new school district in 1974 apart from my meeting there a classmate who shared the gospel with me. And, I can’t explain our moving to a home with Christian neighbors on two sides apart from God’s working His plan. Nor can I explain—apart from God’s hand—how I landed in a church (the first church I ever attended) that preached the gospel. My story is hardly as dramatic as the story of Cornelius and Peter, but it’s still the story of God who draws people to Himself. How grateful I am for how He works!

PRAYER: “Lord, thank You for getting the gospel to us. Help us to see Your hand today.”

TOMORROW’S READING: 1 Samuel 15-16, 1 Chronicles 1, Psalm 39, Acts 11






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