READING: 2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21; Romans 4
The Word of God is powerful . . . and often so simple and clear that the words just light up your soul. That’s the way I feel about today’s Romans 4 quote of the psalmist’s words in Psalm 32: “Blessed are those whose lawless acts are forgiven and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the person the Lord will never charge with sin” (Rom 4:7-8).
Though scholars differ on the origin of this psalm, it’s quite possible that David wrote this psalm after experiencing God’s forgiveness of his sin with Bathsheba and Uriah. If so, he surely knew the anguish of being confronted for his sin—but he also knew the joy of having that sin covered. God fully forgave him, and He would never count his sin against him.
That’s the same for all of us who know Jesus personally. We are righteous not because of our works, but because God has justified us. Jesus died to pay our penalty for sin, and He makes us righteous. He remembers our sin no more (Isa 43:25) – and we are blessed indeed.
PRAYER: “God, thank You for forgiving my sins, covering them, and not holding them against me.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Weekend is for catch-up and review